Welcome to Art Life Balance

What is the purpose of art? Why are we driven to create? How should we respond to criticism?

If you’re looking for answers to questions like these, you’ve come to the wrong place. If you think it’s worthwhile to explore them anyway, you’ve come to the right one.

On this blog, you can expect to read about my writing and art process and to see its results. I’ll often use personal experience as a jumping-off point for making observations about art, culture, and “living in a society.” Along the way, I’ll probably wax poetic about mundane subjects: For that, you’re welcome/I’m sorry.

Should you subscribe to this blog?

If you enjoy silly comics; dives at varying depths into psychology, spirituality, and media; and stream-of-consciousness style ramblings, you’ll probably enjoy Art Life Balance.

What’s the plan?

Membership is free. Content is free-range. The plan is that there is no plan. The process is the goal. The journey is the destination.

Meaning, I‘m too lazy/erratic to commit to a consistent posting schedule, so updates will appear in your inbox with blinding randomness.

Hope you like surprises!

Want to support my work?

Donate any amount through Ko-fi

I see this an alternative to going paid on Substack, which would require a $50/year minimum from followers who want to support this newsletter and, for me, would likely mean committing to posting more frequently and regularly. For now, I want this blog to remain a free space both for readers and myself, where my biggest incentive to write is my desire to do so. Still, If you appreciate what I do here and would like to donate, I’m grateful!

Donate (either one time or monthly) through Ko-Fi.

Commission a project

If you (or someone you know) has a creative idea in need of execution, I may be able to help. I occasionally take on projects involving graphic design, drawing and illustration, copy editing, and writing.

Have an idea? Get in touch with me through this contact form.

The rabbit hole:



Subscribe to Art Life Balance

My outermost innermost thoughts about art and life. Sometimes in the form of comics.


Writer and visual artist interested in media, culture, and communication.